Is grammar important while you speak English

Is Grammar Important While You Speak English?

FastInfo logoBy FastInfo Class Published On 02 Aug 2024 Updated On 12 Dec 2024 Category Spoken English

Is grammar important while you speak English? It is the core question of some people on earth who want to learn spoken English. If you want to get rid of the confessional question and conception, you must read the article from the beginning to the end. It is going to be the most logical explanation from the practical point of view. So, let’s start reading the next part where the discussion will go on.

Is grammar important while you speak English?

Grammar is the key to speaking understandable English. You may not understand why I used the word, “understandable”. You may utter some words side by side that may not make sense. You have to follow the structure of the sentence, use proper tense and time sense, use articles and prepositions, and all other parts to make a sentence meaningful. Otherwise, nobody can understand the language you are speaking to. Your expression may be different from what you want to mean. “I was bitten by the dog” and “I bite the dog”! You must differentiate the meaning of the two sentences. Consider that if you do not follow the rules of sentence construction and other grammar rules, you will say something and the meaning would be something different. 

What is grammar?

From the very beginning of our study life, we have learned that “By learning grammar, we can read, write and pronounce any language perfectly and flawlessly.” So, it is right for English grammar as well. A non-native person cannot speak, read, or pronounce English if he does not learn grammar perfectly. 

Why do people say that spoken English does not require grammar sense?

This is totally the misconception uttered by the people who do not know anything and never learned any other language except their mother tongue. They have learned their mother tongue while growing up with parents and friends. So, they do not understand that there is a grammatical sense in every sentence they utter in their mother tongues. 

However, there are some differences of expression in spoken and written terms. That is why people use two terms: spoken English and written English. These terms are mentioned not only in English but also in all other languages. Written English is polished, and formal, and must be clear in its senses. It must be described in such a way that everybody can guess and feel the situation and understand the meaning of the entire context. 

On the other hand, spoken English is usually shortened and expression makes the sense clear in some cases. 

If someone says, “Mom, water please”, the mother will understand that her kid is asking for a glass of water. If it was in written form, it would be, “Mother, please give me a glass of water”. The full form of the first line can be expressed likewise. If someone looks at both sentences and considers that spoken English does not require grammar, it is a totally wrong conception. We will mention more examples that will prove that we cannot speak a single line without grammar. Yes, we can tell languages without learning grammar, but it may or may not make any sense. Sometimes, you will get such a meaning that you will be ashamed to speak to others. So, you must not speak without grammar. I’ll explain more on “Is grammar important while you speak English?” Just carry on.

Expression of Parts of Speech

You may know that parts of speech are nothing but the parts or words of the sentences. Each part of the sentence is vital to express a complete sense. You must follow the rules of subject-verb-object/rest of the part version when you add parts of speech in any simple sentence constructions. You cannot use the object at the very beginning and the rest part of the sentence later. If you use it, you have to follow the rules of passive voice. Otherwise, “you may bite the dog” instead of “the dog has bitten you”. All these will make your expression ambiguous. So, grammar is always essential while speaking or writing any language.

Just notice the sentence, “The dog is dangerous”. If you say, “The dog is dangerously or The dog is in danger.” What does it mean? All these sentences are not correct as the right form of “danger” is not used. In this way, “It is taken by me”. In this sentence, you cannot express “It is taken by I”. You cannot also say, “It is take by me”. If you say something in this broken language, the person listening to you will never understand anything. If they understand, they may take the wrong meaning of your expression. 

The next option is article and preposition usage. You must learn how an article and preposition have been placed in a sentence. Without prepositions, you cannot add any nouns to the rest part of the sentence. The article determines the noun perfectly.

Let’s Have Some Examples

“My uncle is coming from Delhi.” Can you say, “My uncle is coming Delhi?” You must not express the former sentence with the latter sentence. If you utter the sentence without the preposition “from” it will make no sense or will give you a wrong meaning. So, grammar is always interwoven in any sentence. You need to place an article for determining definite or expressing indefinite senses of a countable noun. “I need a pen.” Here you have to use a, two, or any other form of determiner so that the pen becomes defined as “one” or “more” pens. 

Expression of Tense and Time

When people speak, they use three tenses and four variants of each tenses. While speaking, keeping tense and time sense is mandatory. “I went to Kolkata” and “I will go to Kolkata” do not mean something similar. One sentence is in past tense and another sentence is written in future tense. Hence, to express the proper time or tense, you have to choose the right tense while speaking. Then, how can a person tell you that spoken English does not require any grammar? If you say something, it would be ambiguous and meaningless. So, you have to express the sense of your mind through proper tense. Otherwise, the sense of the sentence will be changed.

Let’s Clear More Sentences

The people who want to learn more tense and time sense, this part of the discussion will work efficiently. 

The postmaster delivered the letter at 10 am. However, when you are uttering the sentence, it is already 2 pm. As the event is today, you have used the present tense, but the postmaster’s activity is today’s previous time which is already in the past. So, the sentence is in the present tense but the time is past. In this way, past time and present tense can be juxtaposed in some cases. It is interesting, isn’t it? Hence, you have received the answer to the question, “Is grammar important while you speak English?

The importance of grammar in spoken English 

Grammar is always an interweaving part of any language. It is the bone and skeleton of any language. Without grammar knowledge, nobody can express their thoughts and conceptions to others. If they try to express themselves, it would be odd and the other person will understand nothing. So, it is an integral part that you cannot show but can feel. It allows perfect construction of sentences to speak or write coherently. 

It is considered the invisible thread that makes written or spoken communication menacingly and easy to understand. It also helps understand what they are trying to say. If you do not have any grammar sense, you must not understand the language that the others are saying in front of you. Then, you must respond to them wrongly or they will give an answer that will throw you in the mockery. So, make it a habit to learn grammar, and sentence construction processes and practice them regularly if you are planning to learn spoken English. 

Language is the communicator- grammar is the career

The primary purpose of learning the language of others is that you want to communicate with people who are speaking a language that you do not know. As English is an international language and dominates Information Technology and International Business communication, English is mandatory to learn. Even to get a job in the corporate sector or some government sectors, English has become compulsory. So, when you have a burning desire to be a perfect communicator with others speaking English, you must learn the medium of the language, which is grammar. 

You may face a little issue while speaking in English with grammatical correctness. However, most people cannot speak for fear of uttering a word from their mouths. So, start speaking fearlessly with faulty English. Maybe, grammar will not work there perfectly. Once you get rid of speaking fear and shyness, you will then implement grammar in spoken English. That is why, every spoken English teaching institute teaches grammar first. Then, they try to improve unknown words or vocabulary. If grammar was not essential for learning a language, why have grammar books been written? Why do spoken English teachers teach grammar to their students? So, don’t keep your ear to what the common mass tells you. Learn grammar, tense, syntax and all to speak or write more correct English. 

Hopefully, you have no confusion about the question, “Is grammar important while you speak English?” and its answers. Learn grammar, and speak flawless English. There are a lot of spoken English learning techniques. Stay with FastInfo Class blogs, you will learn them. But why aren’t you pursuing a course from them? They are the best online spoken English teaching organization.


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