Benefits of Technology to Learn English Online

How Can Students Use Technology to Improve Their English Skills?

FastInfo logoBy FastInfo Class Published On 08 Jun 2022 Updated On 05 Feb 2025 Category Online Spoken English Class

There's no doubt that technology is more prevalent in our daily lives than ever before. It benefits us in all aspects of our lives, including health and fitness, creativity, and social communication. We all know that many students benefit from online spoken English classes. But how can students take advantage of today's technological advancements in the four skill areas to ensure that their learning is as versatile as possible? 

In fact, software and apps can significantly accelerate the English learning process. The more students listen, read, speak, and write outside of class, the faster they will learn the language. Discover more by reading on.


With the invention of iPads, tablets, and e-readers, we've become accustomed to a more interactive reading experience, which is a fantastic feature for English learners. But still, an online English communication class provides study material which proves to be better for learning and practising English.

Learners who want to enhance their reading and writing skills in a fun and effective way will find features like click-to-define, vocabulary builders, and the ability to download entire texts at the touch of a button useful to them. It can help to expand your vocabulary and expose you to new sentence structures. 


The word processor is one of the most well-known technological advancements in writing. Simple tools like a dictionary and thesaurus aid writers in expanding their vocabulary, while spelling and grammar checkers aid in identifying and correcting errors.

Moving forward to the internet age, online platforms are a popular way for students to communicate and learn from one another through the written word. This is also a good option for those who do not have the opportunity to converse with a native English speaker.


Extensive listening is highly recommended for improving both comprehension and speaking skills. Listening to and reading text at the same time is an excellent place to begin. There are some voice apps that include audio with selected books, helping you to listen while reading. Students can also improve their listening skills through online English communication class.


The most exciting technological advancement has come in the form of video chat apps, which allow learners to communicate in real-time conversations with English speakers. Tools like video conferencing allow teachers of online spoken English classes to connect with other students all over the world while also gaining support from other teachers and students.

What are the benefits of technology for students learning English?

  1. Technology enables students to progress and practise at their own pace. Teachers of online English communication classes can use ELL (English Language Learning) technology to create a learning environment that is appropriate for all levels of language learners. Because no two students are alike, it is frequently difficult to provide practice material that is effective for the classroom as a whole.
  2. Practice makes perfect. It takes a lot of practice to learn and master a new language. Technology for ELL students facilitates students' practice of what they have learned in the perfect English speaking course in a variety of ways. 
  3. Technology presents Real-life scenarios and interactions. There are numerous fantastic opportunities for ELL students to use technology to gain exposure to real-life English situations.

This could be accomplished through the use of movies, television shows, video clips, and even face-to-face interactions with teachers in online English classes.

  1. Technology visually and audibly introduces difficult new concepts. Textbooks and worksheets can only teach ELL students so much. Pencil and paper supplies can be extremely limited. When online teachers use technology to introduce difficult new concepts in the classroom, they are more likely to keep their students' attention.

ELL technology can also assist teachers in explaining difficult concepts in more understandable ways by utilising visual and audio resources in an online spoken English class.

  1. The use of technology in online classes makes it more engaging and exciting. Let's face it: today's students have grown up in a fast-paced, instant-gratification era of technology. There are so many incredible ELL technology resources teachers can use to spice up their lessons and activities that even the most tech-savvy students will be astounded.

The best online English speaking course in Kolkata has proficient teachers and the tools to make learning enjoyable. Learning English should not be an errand.

  1. Technology adds colour to otherwise monochrome lessons. Learning another language expands our understanding of our vast, bright, and beautiful world. The ability to communicate in more than one language is priceless. There are, however, parts of every language that aren't particularly exciting to learn.

When lessons are boring, students are less likely to retain the information than when they are genuinely engaged and inspired by what teachers are teaching them in online spoken English class.


To summarise, it is certain that technology is having a significant impact on improving our online Spoken English course. Online learning is proving to be the best alternative for students and working professionals, surpassing traditional learning methods. So, do not think anymore and join our FastInfo class at an affordable fee as soon as possible.

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